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Who has the Honour or dishonour of being Eve?

Material List:
Alum crystals, acrylic, beeswax, bone, brick, bronze, butcher display light, blown glass, celestine, cigarette filter, cherry blossom, concrete, Chinese salt cedar, compost, concrete, copper, crystals, c-type print, fluoxetine, hair, led grow light, marble dust, mirror, monofilament, natural clay, pink oyster mushrooms, oyster shells, oil paint, Perspex, plaster, plaster powder print, plastic, polyester thread, polystyrene, polyurethane, (rubble from London building site), sage, salt crystals, sand, shells, silicone, silver, steel, SLA print, straw, sumac, tap water, tramadol, twig, wax, wisteria, zopiclone

Film credit: Ben Nathan

Eve (Cunil Post Folch)

Eve (Cunill, Post, Folch) | 2019 | Single channel video |  09.53mins 

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